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  • £49.99
    <ul> <li>Get paid the way you want. Accept Visa, Mastercard, Maestro and American Express card via contactless, Chip &amp; PIN.</li> <li>Manage your device and money effortlessly with the iOS and Android compatible App</li> <li>Pay as you go at just 1.69% per transaction. No monthly fees, no fixed contract.</li> <li>Rechargeable: Battery lasts for 500+ transactions, charges via USB (included)</li> <li>Secure: Meets the highest security requirements (EMV &amp; PCI certified)</li> </ul>
  • £2.29
    <ul><li>15 litre capacity bin liners</li><li>Fresh linen and summer breeze fragrance </li><li>With Melodour to neutralise unwanted smells </li><li>Durable </li><li>Tie handles </li></ul>
  • £19.00
    <ul><li>15 times deeper and darker tan accelerator</li><li>Skin hydrating lotion with bronzer</li><li>Includes shea butter, aloe vera and monoi de Tahiti oil</li><li>Coconut Dream fragrance</li><li>Suitable for sunbeds and natural sunlight</li></ul>
  • £19.00
    <ul><li>25 times deeper and darker tan accelerator </li><li>Skin hydrating lotion with ultra-black bronzer</li><li>Includes shea butter, aloe vera and monoi de Tahiti oil</li><li>Blackberry Blast fragrance</li><li>Suitable for sunbeds and natural sunlight</li></ul>