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    Save 20% when you spend £50+ or more with code SB2024
    <ul><li>Ice-tempered high quality steel</li><li>Classic design for traditional cutting</li><li>Stopper for comfort</li><li>Removable finger rest</li><li>Adjustable tension screw for easy, excellent cutting action</li></ul>
  • £4.19
    <ul><li>Matador gloves</li><li>Strong and reuseable</li><li>Non-slip and tear-resistant</li><li>For beauty applications</li><li>One pair of 16cm gloves supplied</li></ul>
  • £9.59
    <ul><li>Gently cleanses, tones and removes make-up and other impurities</li><li>Resurfaces, exfoliates and helps improve skin texture with renewing benefits of Vitamin A </li><li>Leaves skin hydrated and refreshed with its complex blend of gentle moisture-enhancing ingredients</li><li>Handy and on the go resealable package prevents towelettes from drying out</li><li>Suitable for all skin types</li></ul>