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  • € 26,00
    <ul><li>100% vegan friendly formulated with the mineral Kaolin to help enable the hair to remain encapsulated and wet throughout the lifting process</li><li>The perfect solution for all freehand, open air techniques</li><li>Designed to thicken any bleach formula</li><li>Helps prevent the bleach from sweeling resulting in no bleed or seepage. Product will not dry out as a result</li><li>No need for foils meche or film</li></ul>
  • Offer
    € 54,30
    offers available
    <ul><li>Perfect for very fine or thinning hair, or for those suffering from hair loss.</li><li>Professional super serum.</li><li>Helps to create an optimal environment for healthy hair growth. </li><li>Protect against oxidative stress*.</li><li>Leaves hair looking denser and feeling fuller.</li></ul>